Sunday, April 15, 2012

Extinct Animals

There were a large group of animals that once live in Indiana. They all disappeared by the end of the Ice Age. The only remaining traces are bones and what we see in museums. A few of the animals migrated north as the glaciers were retreating into Canada. I was shocked at some of the animals that lived in the state. Only a few i new anything about. Most of them i have never heard of and had no clue about them. The two that lived in the area and migrated north were the musk ox and the caribou. We still see them around today in Canada and the Arctic. The list of the animals that lived here that went extinct include the American mastodon, the Colombian mammoth, the dire wolf, the saber tooth cat, the long nosed peccary, the flat headed peccary, the giant short faced bear and the Jefferson's ground sloth.

Pictures of extinct animals

Pictures of extinct and migrated animals
 for whole page

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